Category: Delray Beach

What is The Cost of a Sober House in Palm Beach County?

The cost of sober houses in Palm Beach County can depend on a number of variables. The benefit of sober houses over halfway houses is the fact that in sober houses, there is no limit on the amount of time one can spend there. So long as the patient can pay for the housing, and abide by the house’s rules, they can stay for as long as they need. The purpose of sober houses is to help addicts not only recover from their addiction, but to rehabilitate their lives. Patients can often self-fund their stay at sober houses by getting jobs of their own. Generally insurance companies will not cover the cost of living at a sober house.

Cost breakdown

Sober house pricing generally includes not only the price of the housing itself, but several amenities associated with sober living. These can include:

  • Recovery programs
  • 24-hour support
  • Paid utilities such as cable, internet, and power
  • Assistance with finding employment

Price is dependent upon the level and quality of amenities provided by the houses, as well as the style of housing. Some sober houses are a single large building that provides accommodation for up to 200 residents at a time, while other houses are comprised of smaller individual homes that can accommodate a much smaller number of residents–generally three to five individuals. The larger, bunker-style sober houses tend to be lower in price, while houses that offer private bedrooms are higher.

Most sober houses offer pricing both by the week or by the month, with some having a minimum stay requirement ranging between a few months to a year. Renting by the month rather than by the week tends to offer a slight discount in pricing. The cost of rent in sober houses in West Palm Beach County is comparable to renting an apartment there. Prices for one month’s stay in a sober house typically range between $800 and $1400 (in comparison, the average cost of a two-bedroom apartment in West Palm Beach County is approximately $1300.) There are, however, some sober houses in West Palm Beach that are far more upscale, offering detailed rehabilitation programs, on-site doctors and therapists, medical treatment, and other amenities, which can cost as much as $3000 per month. Ours is $200 per week.

Overall, the cost of sober houses in Palm Beach County are relatively affordable, especially given most of the sober houses help their tenants find steady employment which helps pay for the cost. For addicts in need of help, sober houses provide a cost-effective, safe, and helpful way of recovering from addiction and integrating successfully into society as a recovered addict.

If you’re ready to start your new life, call us today at 561-929-6900.

What Things Can I Have and Not Have While in a Sober Living House?

For anyone entering a Sober Living House, one of the most important questions is what you can, and cannot have while you are there. You want to start your new life making a good first impression, and if you follow general guidelines you should be well prepared.

Starting with the most commonly banned items will make the transition easier while taking some of the nerves away. The first item would be, of course, any illicit substances. This includes illegal drugs and any kind of alcohol. In addition, if you are on any prescription medications, you must notify them and have your medicine in its original container.

This list is not all-inclusive but will give you a good head-start in most Sober Living Houses. Commonly banned items that contain alcohol:

The things that I can NOT have while in a Sober Living House

  • Any medications that are mind or mood altering
  • Cosmetic or skin care creams/lotions/liquids
  • Food items like vanilla
  • Herbal/Organic remedies with mood changing properties

This much more fun part of your preparation is to ensure you feel at home in your new surroundings. Bring clothes that are appropriate for the climate, while still adhering to decency rules. Pants, tees, a business casual outfit, work clothes, exercise attire, and proper shoes are a must. Flip flops for the beach, sport shoes for working out or playing, and dress or work shoes are the best assortment.

As for personal items, make sure you take your personal toiletries (most Houses allow disposable razors) as well as hair tools. Limit jewelry to watches and wedding or engagement rings. If you use tobacco products bring those along too; e-cigarettes and vaping apparatus may be the exception.

Most importantly make sure you bring photographs, journals, and anything that will make your room more homey and comfortable. You want things that remind you of happiness and well being, and bring a centeredness to your surroundings. CD/MP3/DVD players are also a great source of pleasure. Finally and probably the best item to bring is certainly your cell phone so you feel connected again.

You will receive support and guidelines in your Sober Living House so that you can be at your best. When you are ready to begin, our counselors are available 24 hours a day. Call 561-929-6900

If I Live in a Sober House in South Florida, Do I Have to Go To AA Meetings?

Whether you have just completed rehabilitation in an addiction recovery facility or you are looking for an effective alternative to treat your addiction, a sober house in South Florida can be an important part of your recovery. It is one more step that will help you to return to normal life once your dependence on the source of your addiction has been broken. You need to put substance abuse behind you if you are going to live a healthy life. A sober house provides you with a place where you can stay during the transition stage to wellness. When you live in a sober house, you will:

  • Have a safe envrionment
  • Be supported by staff members who care about you
  • Live with others who are experiencing similar struggles
  • Be an active member of the household as you take care of daily responsibilities

You must remain sober in order to stay in a sober living home. Each day spent in your supportive environment will bring you one step closer to a return to your home, family, and work.

Are AA Meetings Required During Your Stay in a Sober House in South Florida?

You will be required to go to AA meetings or some other type of 12-step program while you are staying in your sober house. This is a crucial part of the recovery process as you regularly meet with others to share your experiences with one another. It will give you the opportunity to talk about your triumphs and your challenges. You will learn that you are not alone. The personal stories of others could have a positive impact on you. You need to recognize your addiction and discuss ways that you can cope with the pressures of life once you are no longer in your sober living home. The support and companionship of others can go a long way in helping you to overcome your personal struggles. It isn’t easy to break free from addiction. Other members of your sober living home understand where you are coming from. They will work with you to help you cross the finish line successfully. Your regular meetings can help you to achieve your goals when you are open and honest about yourself.

Ready to get started with sober living?  Call now 561-929-6900

What Are The Rules of a Sober Halfway House Like After Treatment?

Addiction treatment can come in various forms. Some addicts find recovery in AA/NA or other step based recovery programs. Others find IOP treatment to be acceptable, while many turn to residential treatment programs. No matter which resource you choose for treatment, a long term sobriety plan is critical for success in sobriety. Selecting the right sober halfway house is just as important as choosing the right treatment plan, and following the rules is mandatory to avoid being removed from the program. If you or your loved one is planning on a long term sober halfway house, make sure you know the rules you can expect before checking in.

No Drug Use

Not only is substance abuse detrimental to sobriety, it can trigger other residents and cause them to relapse. Drugs, alcohol, mouthwash, cough medicine, or other over-the-counter products that contain alcohol are prohibited.

Sober halfway homes require those who take medication are required to report it to the staff members and take their medication as prescribed.

No Stealing

Honesty and integrity are important aspects of sobriety, and stealing from other residents can be grounds for immediate dismissal from sober living programs.

No Violence

Just as violence is not accepted in non-sober communities, it is not accepted in sober halfway homes either. This applies to both verbal and physical violence, to all staff members and other residents of the sober halfway house.

12 Step Meetings

Support groups are an important part of maintaining sobriety. If you choose to go to a halfway house, it is critical that you start looking for 12-step based programs to help improve your success rates. These meetings also have sponsors available, and many sober halfway homes require that you retain a sponsor at all times.

Obey Curfew

While many residents don’t understand the need for a curfew, it is another important part of the recovery process. Not only does a structured schedule and curfew help promote a sober lifestyle, it ensures that you get plenty of rest for the next day. A curfew also helps newly sober addicts to avoid tempting situations that may encourage a relapse.

If you or a loved one is struggling with addiction and are interested in getting into a highly rated sober halfway house, it is important to act fast. Immediate help can be found by calling today. We are available 24 hours a day at 561-929-6900. A sober lifestyle is the best gift you can give yourself or your loved one.

Staying Sober After a Hurricane in Florida

Staying Sober After the Storm

The effects of a hurricane can often be devastating. You may have had damage to your property during the storm. A friend or family member may have been hurt or suffered a loss. It truly is an emotional time. During stressful events, it is easy to turn to drugs and alcohol to numb yourself from the effects of this natural disaster. However, you do not have to fall to substances to help you cope with the aftermath of the storm. Instead, try to deal with the stress in a healthier way.

How to Cope with the Aftermath

After a hurricane, it is important for you to remain sober. Stressful situations can be a huge trigger for returning to drugs and alcohol. To keep yourself from falling off the wagon, try some of these options:

  • Attend meetings.
  • Talk to people.
  • Keep yourself occupied.
  • Process your feelings.
  • Be thankful for what you still have.
  • Keep a routine.
  • Take a break from the news.

After a major hurricane, it may be difficult to locate a twelve-step meeting. Even if you are able to locate one, it may be difficult for you to find transportation to a meeting. If this is your circumstance, find another way to get your meeting in. Whether it is talking to your sponsor, a friend, a family member, or a neighbor about the stress that you are feeling, you need to be able to let it out. Feel your emotions, talk about them, and process them. This can be a difficult thing to do, but that is why it is important to talk to others.

Another way to prevent yourself from relapsing, is to keep yourself occupied. This can be as simple as playing cards with a friend or family member. It could mean taking small steps towards fixing your property damage, or even a neighbor’s property damage. Whatever you can do to keep your mind busy, not focused on the effects of the hurricane, and not thinking about substances will be beneficial.

In the wake of a natural disaster, you may feel as if you have lost everything. Most likely, those things were just materials and can be replaced. Instead, try to focus on your blessings and what you do have left after the storm. For one, you have your sobriety!

Natural disasters cause destruction. They are destructive to your surroundings, but more importantly they are destructive to your natural order. So, try to keep your daily routine. I know this may be difficult if you are at a shelter or somewhere other than home. But, even eating and sleeping at your normal times can help you feel as if everything is normal. People who feel normal do not need substances to help them feel normal.

Finally, all that destruction is obviously plastered all over every news channel in the state. It is only natural to want to see what the hurricane did. However, all of the negative talk, images of loss, and even the hyped-up media talk can cause you extra stress. You don’t really need any extra stress. So, take a break from the news, even if it means watching a crazy sitcom or walking away from the television all together.

Hurricanes can leave a mess behind them. They can uproot even the most stable person. If you find yourself needing a little extra help keeping sober after you have experienced a hurricane, we can help. Please contact us at 561-929-6900.

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